well somehow we went from July 1st to the end of August in like 30 seconds?? It's been awhile since I've been on here... the end of summer got crazy! I have some to catch up on. Here's a quick summer recap of our 2023 summer!
We finished up the spring soccer season, which meant it was officially summer :)
summer evenings at the beach 💓
I've spoken about this before, but one of our favorite ways to spend a summer evening is to go up to New Buffalo beach & eat dinner at the Stray Dog and then go to the beach for the evening & sunset. It's relaxing, the kid have a blast, we usually end up at Oink's for ice cream after, and then the kids fall asleep in the car :) We just truly love it.
The beginning of the summer also had Maddox still in his sling from a broken collarbone, so we were trying to find ways to have fun but not be too "active". So we went to the Ft. Wayne Zoo with friends which was so fun. There had been a lot of "Maddox, you can't do that" so a trip to the zoo with our little animal lover was a great way to kick off summer!
We roasted s'mores...
had crazy hair days at summer sports camp...
...and went swimming a lot too!
Nate & I had a quick little getaway to see Charlie Puth in concert...
...and then went to a Shania Twain concert with his parents for his mom's birthday!
summer isn't summer without a trip to the South Bend Cubs game.
and Kendry & I rode our bikes to school to play :)
July consisted of more sports camps! Jacoby & Maddox tried tennis for the first time and they said it was their favorite camp they did all summer. This tennis player mom was so happy :)
more swimming...
a fun little waterpark...
and a fun 4th of July with friends!
We had a friend night out which was SO fun. Realizing we need to do that more often :)
more beach evenings...
and of course us girls went to see the Barbie movie!!
Summer around here means the fair in the hottest of weather but we love it! Maddox was so excited to go on a "rollercoaster". I don't do rollercoasters but this little one I can handle. Nate can be the fun rollercoaster parent from here on out haha :)
The local library had a free book cart at the fair & Jacoby picked out his book and immediately started reading. He was walking while reading & would find any place to sit down & read. I had to convinced him to stop so he could see the animals & all the things. He fell asleep reading in the car on the way home :) I LOVE his love for books.
all the rides...
all the snacks...
all the face paint & all the toys 😀
Of course July means that we celebrate Nate!!!
He's my very favorite and I always get jealous of his birthday. While mine is in the deep, dark depths of winter...his is in the middle of summer where he takes the day off and we go up to another one of our favorite beach towns, each lunch & then we play all day at the beach. This year in particular will forever hold such a special memory for me. It was just the most beautiful day, the kids were playing happily together, Nate & I even sat & read for a bit. One of those days you just know you'll forever remember.
August rolled around and we made the most of the last couple of weeks of summer.
We spent a whole day at a waterpark. It was so much fun & we ended up unexpectedly staying until it closed! Rollercoasters are a big no for me, but I'll take a waterpark every time!!! I miss having little babies at home sometimes but this age is SO SO fun too.
We then finished up our last week of summer with a family vacation up to Niagara Falls & Toronto. I have about a million pictures, but I'll just show a few here. I'll have a lot more pictures to share once I get the blog post written up!
It was a GREAT summer...sports camps, VBS, sunshine, swimming, zoo trips, the fair, waterparks, bike rides, park visits, vacation, 4th of July, birthdays, beach days, and lots of free play time that we truly love 🌞
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