Happy Monday!!!
It's President's Day so all the kids are home and currently playing in the basement (with one kiddo sleeping since he's not feeling well). It has felt like spring the past couple of weeks here with sunshine & a bit warmer temperatures and I'm here for it! It has me ready for spring break!!! We've got some time until then but here's what we've been up to lately!
It's basketball season!
It's been so fun to watch Jacoby & Maddox play basketball. They're on the same team and Nate is a coach, which is a whole new experience! I love watching them play :)
February has been full of celebrations from my birthday, to other family members, and also friend's birthdays as well. It's a good way to get through this last month of winter!
The boys snuggled up in their robes ready for reading before bed.
I've been getting out to walk with Benny when Kendry is in preschool. Fresh air, an audiobook, & Benny...it's become a favorite of mine.
The boys have been playing outside in the fresh air too. Kendry is determined to learn how to skateboard & spends hours outside working on it :)
We had a family ice skating night on Friday & it was the perfect weather. All of the boys are determined to be good at it and they've improved a lot! I love watching them try something new, stick with it, and get better!
Kendry took this picture while on ice skates...not too bad, right? haha.
I really love these 3!!
That's what we've been up to lately. A mix of winter activities + spring fever! 😊
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