Now that it's the last day of January, I've got my Year in Review post here!
Here's what our year 2022 looked like!
we spent our days playing in the snow, then snuggling inside & watching movies
Our annual family Bull's game...
we welcomed another Carpenter baby to the fam..
& celebrated my birthday!
Spring Break trip to Florida...
Easter Sunday...
and we celebrated Maddox turning 6!!! The sweetest boy with the sweetest smirk 😍
We had a school outing to see the South Bend Cubs...
I went on a girl's trip to Phoenix...
and then we celebrated the baby turning 4!!!
We kicked off summer in June with leaving the boys with Papa & Cici and we headed out to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, & Nantucket! Oh and a little bit of Boston too :)
We celebrated the 4th of July...
of course went to the fair...
had our favorite beach evenings...
visited the zoo...
watched fireworks...
& cut off Kendry's beautiful blonde curls... He looks so big now!
We ended summer break with a trip to Wisconsin to celebrate my MIL's 60th!
While we were in Wisconsin, we also celebrated my SIL's new book release ! It was a fun week of celebration, family time, & sunshine!
We came home and then started a new school year!!!
I got to be a reader in Jacoby's class...
the boys' school had a fun fall festival...
and Jacoby turned 8!!!
we wrapped a great soccer season...
got in the Halloween mood with matching jammies...
and trick or treating in the rain...
I love doing life with him.
had a few early snow days...
decorated gingerbread houses with my family...
visited Nate's work...
and right after Thanksgiving (which I have no pictures of), this kid got braces!! It instantly made him seem like a big kid.
and did all things Christmas.
We rang in the New Year with family & friends. It was a really good year and I can't wait to see what 2023 brings!
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