Thursday, July 7, 2022

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July weekend!!! July 4th is my 2nd favorite holiday. I love the weather, the friends, the family, the fireworks, the food, the pool, the boat, the late nights, the long weekend of sleeping in...ALL of it!!!

We spent Friday night with friends at the boys' first drive in movie! We saw the new Minions movie and it was so CUTE! We got there early for good spots and ate lots of food & the kids ran around playing football & on the playground before the movie started at 9:45pm (like I said...late nights! haha). The kids thought it was so fun and thankfully we had perfect weather for it. 

Saturday we originally planned on going up to Grand Rapids, but plans changed so we decided to hang at home and then Saturday evening we went out to dinner & then headed to Nate's parents boat to watch some fireworks on the river. This is the only picture I got- the boys wrestling on the boat 😂

Sunday we spent the entire day with friends at the pool. Our big group of college friends always celebrate the 4th together at our friends' pool.  The kids swim all day and the adults do a combination of eating, drinking, and swimming all day too.

Monday we were at my in laws all day doing pretty much the same thing as Sunday. Swimming & eating, and then we snuck in an evening boat ride.  We were planning on tubing but then it was supposed to rain so we decided not to & will have to do it later this summer! 

Jacoby's idea for a pic :)

this sweet 4 year old put himself down for a nap. he climbed out of the pool, laid on the chair, pulled a towel over himself, and went to sleep 😍

I love watching these cousins together. 

the captain.

We came home Monday night tired & so very happy after a weekend of summer fun & celebrating one of the very best holidays! 



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