Monday, May 30, 2022

Kendry is 4!!!

Our baby is 4!!! It's wild to have the littlest one go through big changes & get "big kid" on us in different ways. I can't even think of the day he goes to kindergarten! BUT he's so special to us and we had so much fun celebrating him.

To know Kendry is to know how much wild joy he brings to our life. He is always happy, life of the party, keeps up with the big kids, is the baby, you have to be right?!, and comes up with the wildest ideas but still has the sweetest heart! He tells me "even when I'm big mom, I'll still be your baby" 😊 He loves to play the opposite game (so if you want a hug, you tell him to please NOT hug you...), his hair matches his personality, and he's my best errand buddy. He loves snacks more than meals, always wants to be outside, is most ticklish on his belly, is a GREAT helper, and has the best balance of any 4 year old I know. 

We celebrated early birthday donuts & presents, before all the kids went off to school. 

Kendry requested a picnic lunch with daddy at the park, insisting that we bring his that's what we did! He also requested a "motorcycle that I can ride on the road" for a present, but told him maybe someday hahaah. 

We had ice cream after we picked up Jacoby & Maddox, and then in the evening went out to dinner.

He requested his party be at Ninja Golf (a local putt putt place) so we celebrated a week late but they made him feel so special with the sign, he got to do mini golf and a laser maze, and had pizza & ice cream. Side note, he definitely wore the spiderman mask the whole time he played mini golf 😂What more could a little boy want???



Thank you for all the joy, silliness, and wild antics you have brought to our family. You are always in a good mood, you make errands way more fun, and you are the best snuggler. You continue to make us laugh-- I hope you always call sunscreen "scunscreen", and I love watching you learning & grow.  You are fearless and I love that it challenges me to let go of control sometimes.  These days of having you as my sidekick are some of the best days of my life I love you more than all the stars in the sky!


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