Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Kendry's 1st Day of School

 1st day of school for our littlest!!

He's in Pre-K this year (thinking about him going to Kindergarten next year is something I can't even comprehend!!!). I'm really trying to soak up this year with him...where he's in school 3 days a week but home with me the other 2 days.  It feels like the perfect balance. I'm trying not to think about next year...because what am I going to do without my sidekick??? SO I'm focusing on soaking in all of our time together this year!

He REALLY wanted a picture with his orange juice hahah. 

He was a little bit nervous, which he was last year too. He didn't want to eat his donut and he didn't want to get out of the car, but once he was inside he had a GREAT day! I got lots of pictures with him smiling and playing, so I had no worries. It was so good to see him at pick up. He took a 2.5 hour nap in the afternoon...preschool is TIRING. 

I'm praying for the BEST year for him. I remember with the other 2 boys, seeing A LOT of growth in the 2nd year of preschool--they go from toddler to "kindergarten ready"! I pray he learns a lot, plays A LOT, and has a lot of fun! I'm so proud of you, Kendry...forever in your corner and loving you always.



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