Thursday, September 22, 2022


awww my babies last fall! Kendry's hair....ugh I miss the curls ;) 

Today is officially the first day of fall....but le'ts be real... I've been in "fall mode" for a few weeks now! Apparently Indiana got the message since the high today is 64. It's supposed to be in the 60s/low 70s for the weekend also and I am really looking forward to it. A nice change of pace for our 6 hours at the soccer field when last weekend was 85! The temps dropping just make me so happy.

I've got my fall candle burning, a fall drink in my hand, and plans to snuggle up with my boys and finish a good book I'm reading. Maybe I should even go get some pumpkins for my porch?!?

Along with soccer + birthday parties this weekend, we have plans to get our Halloween costumes. I can't wait to see what they decide! 

Also, I actually do feel like this. The crispy air, especially on my morning walks, really feels like a fresh new start.

Lastly, please enjoy this gem of a video. Kendry is SO excited about all of the fun fall things we have on our bucket list :) hahah.




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