Thursday, September 1, 2022

Summer Recap 2022

 Summer of 2022 was such a GOOD one!!! We had a great mix of camps, activities, and lots of relaxing & just being together! Here's quick recap of our summer!

We started off with some camps for the boys & a kid-free vacation for Nate & I to the Northeast!

We spent lots of days swimming...

and hit up the drive in movie for the new Minions movie...

...we visited the zoo A LOT...

and dinner in Michigan followed by the beach became a regular thing.

We got to celebrate Nate's birthday...

and soaked in a full day at the fair with animals, food, rides, face painting, and more food...

no shortage of personality in this family 😜

and we went to a few South Bend Cubs games too, complete with fireworks :) 

and of course celebrated the 4th of July with friends & family!

we spent time on the boat & tubing...

my sweet boy :) 

and spent a week in Wisconsin with family!

We had a few big milestones like Maddox losing his first tooth!!!

and Kendry cutting his curls :) 

and we visited just about every park we could find so the boys could run wild ;)

Summer 2022 was such a good one! I really just soaked in lots of time with my 3 very favorite boys! 

Now that it's September 1st, I'm ready to get the pumpkins out! :) It makes me happy, so I decorate early. #sorrynotsorry

It's fall in our world!!!


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