Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Potty Training Part 2

So a little update on my Coby's potty training...

About a month ago when we were in Nashville, Nate and I had a chat about Jacoby's potty training habits.  It wasn't an intentional "chat", but one that just came up and we had a lot of discussion about.

I felt like after 3 months, Jacoby still wasn't making major improvements in the potty training department.  I know it takes time, and I was trying to be patient...but it felt like we would take 1 step forward and 2 steps back.  

So after washing the car seat (I thought we were past needing a towel...) TWICE in two days, I was ready to stop.  I texted one of my dear friends who I know had struggled potty training her daughter and asked for her advice.  She told me she put her back in diapers and after a few months, tried again and she got it in a week.  She said once that happened, she knew that earlier she just wasn't ready.

After hearing this and talking with Nate, I just KNEW that Jacoby wasn't ready either.  As much as I felt like he was when we started--he never was scared to go, he wanted to be "big boy like Gio", etc-- it just wasn't clicking.  I think what I needed was affirmation from Nate + my girlfriend's honesty.

We told him that we were just going to put him back in diapers but if he wanted to tell us when he had to go, that was fine too.  For the first 2 days that we put him back in diapers, he told us he had to go more than he ever did before.  I thought--maybe we just had to relinquish control???

But after the 2 days, he went back to going potty all the time in his diapers. 

Can I be honest and tell you that it felt like a breath of fresh air for BOTH Jacoby and I?

I felt like I was constantly losing patience with him, his tantrums were worse, and I'm pretty sure he always felt pressure-- I was always asking him if he had to go/telling him to tell me when he had to/making him go if we were heading out somewhere.  It truly stressed him out.  Hindsight is 20/20 y'all.  As soon as we stopped, I realized how much pressure it was on him.  I never want that...I never want him to feel me pressuring him to do something he isn't quite ready to do.  He's smart as a whip and when he is ready + WANTS to do it, he'll do great. This was our convo the other day:

J: Mommy, I have to poop.
M: Ok.  On the potty? 
J: No. I don't go poop on the potty, I go in my PANTS!

Said with so much excitement.  This kid ;) 

Oh, and not having to constantly worry about him wetting his pants, where the closest bathroom is, etc... reminds me that diapers aren't SO bad ;) hahha. 

I'm confident he'll get there on his own time.  I know everyone says not to rush it and I really didn't feel like we were when we started.  Looking back, it just wasn't the right time.  I don't know when we will start trying again, but I'm sure he won't be using diapers when he's like 10........right???



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