Thursday, December 1, 2016

To the Mom Who...

A couple weeks ago, after the boys were in bed...I confessed to Nate that I hadn't been the type of mom I wanted to be that day.  I had failed myself in the way I handled things, I had not acted as I want my boys to act, and I just felt down about it.  Nate reminded me that I'm not a bad mom because of it...because hello mom guilt...but that everyone has days like that.

 I'm the type of girl that just needs to vent.  I can be super frustrated or down and if I can just talk about my frustration (generally to Nate...bless his heart), then I cool down and I'm much more level-headed.  I thought to myself-- you're certainly not the first Mom to feel this way.  

I'm starting a new series "To the Mom Who...", where I just want to write a letter to myself/others when I do, say, or act in ways that are less than ideal.  Just to remind ourselves that we aren't alone, even if it feels like we're the only mom that would ever do that {insert any mom-guilt topic}

It's a way for me to write out my thoughts, encourage myself and also remind myself that although the days are long, the years are short...and I'm living my best days with my babies! I started this blog as a way to document my life, a "scrapbook" if you will.  I want my boys (+ other future baby/babies) to know the way I parent them is always intentional.  I pray that they can always give themselves grace, hopefully as I give myself grace in raising them. 

 Photos by: Jessie Nichole Photography
If you wanna join in on this series (have a story you want to share, have an idea about how it could help you, etc) shoot me an email and we can chat.  I've thought about maybe making it a place where we can all discuss our "reality checks"? Still figuring out some details on it... maybe it'll just be a venting place for myself.  We'll see how it goes!

Stay tuned for the previously mentioned story to come...



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