Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Life Lately

Happy Tuesday! It's been awhile since I've done a life lately post...so here we go! 

Holiday season is here + this is how we feel about it :) His face just screams joy, right? 

We celebrated Thanksgiving by eating lots of food + spending time with our favorite people. 

 ...then we crashed ;)

We have been watching Christmas movies...The Holiday is one of my very favorites.  Jacoby is on a HUGE Grinch kick... or as he says it "Ginch" :) 

The boys take a bath together + it's one of my favorite things. 
Also... I love a squeaky clean baby! 


We had success seeing Santa! No one cried, 
but I think Santa had a little bit of a creepy look this year! haha

 We went to see Bethlehem Live... the best part was the petting zoo!

We hosted our annual Friendsgiving! This is one of my very favorite traditions and something we always look forward to! We've added LOTS of babies to the mix in the past couple of years :)

Reading books is a favorite in this house. I think the time that Nate + Jacoby read together at night while I nurse Maddox to sleep is a favorite time of day for both of them :) 

 Target trips. Because we love Target. And Starbucks. Like everyone else :) 

Morning snuggles under a Christmas blanket, while watching a Christmas movie. It's the most wonderful time of the year! 

We have a train table at home that Coby plays with every day, but he loves the one at Barnes + Noble too! They have different things to play with than the one at home and then there's lots of books to look at! We frequent this place. Plus then we usually hit up some Chick-fil-A for lunch and stop by the mall to see my sisters.  It's the perfect thing to do in the cold winter months where we can't be outside as much. 

 That's life lately... spending my days with my boys.  These are the days I'll look back on and cherish so much... so I'm trying my best to soak it in! :) 


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