Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday Favorites

Linking up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites!

This week I've got lots of random favorites...

I've heard TONS of chatter about these UNstopables for your laundry.  I decided to see what the hype was and seriously, it's my FAVORITE.  I love how it makes our laundry smell- particularly our towels.  I love for my towels to smell super fresh and this definitely does it.  If you haven't tried these yet, check 'em out :) 
Crockpot Liners.  You guys- why did it take me so long to use these??? I HATE scrubbing my crockpot and after hearing from multiple people that they work- I tried them. I'm never going back (unless I forget to pick some up at the store...that's typical of me!). Definitely a FAVORITE.

Soup nights are our FAVORITE and so is this messy face :) 

Hats are a FAVORITE accessory for my boys. Jacoby sometimes keeps them on, but Maddox always obliges...I'm sure the time is coming where he refuses! Oh...and Target is always a FAVORITE.

FAVORITE moment of the week? Snuggles in bed with this sweet boy.

Happy weekend! We are going to do our best to soak in the holiday season ;)


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