Monday, November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving Week

Last night as I was nursing Maddox to sleep...I just breathed in his sweet baby smell. Am I the only one that could sniff my baby all day? Surely not. 

Every night as I lay him down (+ Jacoby too), we pray over both of our boys.  Last night got me though... just sitting there, looking at his beauty and I just couldn't stop saying thank you. I don't even think I could list all the things I'm thankful for.  To be honest, there are so many that probably wouldn't even cross my mind-- because I'm THAT blessed.

There are a few that top my list today that continually have come up as I've thought about this thankful season... 

1. Christ. Our pastor said something this Sunday that stuck with me. It's not that I haven't ever heard it before--but I think it was more that I needed to hear it again.  It was something to the tune of... if you are truly in love with Christ, you are willing to lose everything + I mean everything, for him.  That means you have nothing at all but Christ-- and you would still be HAPPY. What a convicting way to talk about that!

2. Nate.  You guys- he works so hard and succeeds at e v e r y t h i n g he does.  I've never seen anyone be so humble and yet so confident.  The way he leads at his work, but with the compassion that isn't always seen in a job like his-- it's so admirable. I love watching him reach his goals, and he's only 31 ;) Oh, and as a husband? The best there is.

3. My boys. I mean, this is obvious- yes? How could this not be on my list.  I've always dreamed of being a mom and the fact that the Lord has blessed with these boys is so mind-blowing.  The fact that the Lord thinks I'm good enough to raise them?! The highest compliment + greatest challenge!

3. The simplicity of my life.  This includes everything from running water, to electricity, to a car that works, to being able to drink Starbucks whenever I want... they are all tied up in one word for me.  They make my life more simple (and more enjoyable!).  The country I was lucky enough to be raised in, the family that I grew up in, and the freedoms I have.  If only everyone could be so lucky. 

Enjoying the thankful season and praying I can teach Jacoby +  Maddox to be thankful all the time, not just this week ;)  What are you thankful for this week?

Have you seen the little trees that people use to put "what we are thankful for" leaves on? I'm thinking I need to get one (on sale hopefully after this year!) so we can make it a tradition! I love a good holiday tradition. What traditions do you have for Thanksgiving? I know we are in the early years with our kids, but I want to get a good list going :) 



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