Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites!

The past two Saturdays Nate has been busy working on a friend's basement, and so this weekend I'm celebrating that we have no plans besides just spending time together :) SO excited! Tonight's agenda- putting up the Christmas trees and ordering in. Probably watching a Christmas movie too (if we can get Jacoby to stop wanting to watching Blaze...)

A couple of favorites for your Friday...


This weather has been my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE.  Living in northern Indiana can give you some crazy weather. Usually towards the middle of November it's really chilly, but it's been beautiful 65 degree weather.  We've been taking lots of walks and trying to spend lots of time soaking up this weather before it snows.  Which is supposed to happen tomorrow. TOMORROW. At least it'll seem right to have my Christmas decorations up now ;)

T W O 

I went to Birds Gotta Fly last Saturday and found a TV stand that I fell in love with.  I sent Nate a picture, thinking he'd say "I like it", but not really want to spend the money on it.  Instead I got a text that said "Buy it baby. It's perfect and exactly what you want."  I love him.  He's my FAVORITE, along with my new TV stand...ha!


My friend, Robyn, sent me this picture of Jacoby from her wedding. Um...look how little my big boy is! Looking back at old pictures of him is a FAVORITE!


We've been working on eating a lot less meat in this house, and it's given me this huge new challenge.  It's more work but also gives me lots of new things to try.  I made this recipe the other day and it's definitely going to be a go-to for us.  A new FAVORITE recipe in this house.


We got our Christmas cards and I LOVE them! Tis the Season...My FAVORITE season!

Happy weekend! How are we less than a week away from Thanksgiving? I hope you can spend time this week with the people you are thankful for! 



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