Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016 was one of my favorites in a long time.

Holidays with babies is so much fun.  I've got a long post...one that combines a busy, fall-filled weekend along with the festivities of Halloween!


We started off the Halloween weekend with my whole family being together all day Saturday. We spent the day hanging out, decorating cookies, eating pizza (because yum.) and painting pumpkins.  When my entire family is together, there are 9 kids (+1 on the way), ages 12 + under!  Craziness, but also lots of fun.  It's beautiful chaos, no other way to explain it. 

so. many. sprinkles.

At first the weather was supposed to be rainy and cold, but it ended up being a beautiful day, so the kids got lots of energy out outside as well! Jacoby's shirt from the day is officially in the trash.  It was SUCH A MESS.


Sunday we dedicated Maddox.  I love my sweet boy and there's no bigger honor that dedicating him to the Lord.  My heart was so full hearing Pastor Mark pray over his life. It's my prayer that we raise him to know and love Christ FIRST.  I have so many things I pray for him daily, but having family, friends + our church body pray over him, there's just something about that.

I'm beyond thankful that God gave me this beautiful baby boy to raise.  That he trusts US to lead him, guide him, teach him and take care of him.  My life's work + the best calling there is.  Simple as that.


While the boys are little and I get to pick what they are, I still try to come up with something they (Jacoby mostly haha) will like.  When we go to the zoo, Jacoby just shouts "kan-ga-ROO, kan-ga-ROO". He made it pretty easy ;)

We had a major breakdown about 2 minutes before we went trick-or-treating because Jacoby wanted the tail "OFF"! Trying to tell a 2 year old that the tail cannot come off is rough! Nothing that a little candy + his favorite person ever {cousin Gio} can't fix!  Big thank you to Aunt Marci for the costumes, you're the BEST!!!

I knew once we went to one house and got candy...he'd catch on and LOVE it.  Sure enough he was alllll about it! He walked up to every house, said "trit o teat" and then "tank you".  We'd walk away and head down to the next house as he'd proudly proclaim "one more tut-tie (cookie. He calls all sweets, cookies + it's one of my favorite things he says. ever.).  

I thought he'd want to eat it all right away, but he just proudly put it all in his pumpkin bucket.  He even got a piece of candy for Harper, Phoebe + "Bubba" and gave it to each one.  I was so proud of him being so willing to share! 

The weather was SO beautiful, a chilly 55 degrees and sunny, which made it easy to have Maddox out with us as well.  He sat in the wagon with Harper for part of the night and chewed on a Reese's wrapper #secondchildproblems. The other part of the night, he snuggled Nate + I and as people gave him candy, we stuffed it into his kangaroo pocket :)

Hands down my favorite Halloween and I'm pretty sure it's only going to get better as the boys get older!  Although it took us about an hour to go one block around our neighborhood, we got so much candy.  I HAVE to eat some, or else Jacoby would eat too much...that's not good for a kid! It's totally okay for a mom though, yes?

Hope your Halloween was as fun + chaotic as ours!  Happy November 1st! 

One more thing...the fall colors have been absolutely perfect the past few days.  I generally feel like pictures can't do it justice, but I took pictures of this one and just love the deep red...right outside of Target. It's meant to be there ;) 



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