Monday, October 24, 2016

Weekend Recap

What a weekend!  I'm still recovering and am drinking all the caffeine I can to stay awake today! 

I was a bridesmaid in one of my best friend's wedding over the weekend and it was so much fun.  Nothing better than seeing one of your besties the HAPPIEST she's ever been, right? 

Friday started off with hitting the road to Ohio.  This was the first time I've been away from Maddox for more than 6ish hours.  It was good for both of us, but let's just say that pumping is not nearly as sweet as actually getting to feed my boy :) 

Friday evening was the rehearsal and then dinner.  We ate a place called Spaghetti Warehouse and I had the best manicotti I've ever had.  We headed back to the bride's {Lisa} house and crashed for the night.  Not before watching a few episodes of FRIENDS...because it'll forever be a favorite. 

Saturday morning started off early, with being at the salon at 8.  Got our hair + make up done and then brunch and all the other wedding shenanigans.  

I called Nate twice during his 4 hour drive and both times Maddox was crying and then stopped immediately when he heard my voice.  He missed me!

The wedding went so smoothly, we got pictures outside with the gorgeous colors of fall all around. Her pictures are going to be stunning. Love you Lisa...thanks for the honor of standing next to you on your big day!

The reception was so fun with lots of friends dancing the night away.  We left around 9:30 and ended up driving the whole way home that night.  My mom hung out with Jacoby at home and so we thought driving the 4 hours home would be easier while Maddox (hopefully) slept then getting a hotel. Maddox slept the whole way, so I'm pretty sure we made the right call :) 

We had family pictures Sunday night, so we opted to just rest lots, play outside, and make sure both of the boys got good naps in the afternoon.

Pictures with kids are exhausting, but I'm confident she got some good ones! Now to wait impatiently until we get them back!

Here's a sneak peek of Maddox's outfit ;) 

Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to a great start-- I'm using all the caffeine I can to get through the day :)  



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