Friday, October 14, 2016

6 Month Update {Maddox}


These months just keep flowing by and I'm just blown away with how big you're getting.

Height: 26" (22%)
Weight: 15 lb. 13 oz. (18%)
Head: 42.5cm (24%)

Favorites: Momma, Benny, baths, people talking to you, being sung to, being held, afternoon naps and your car blankie.

Not-So-Favorites: being in the car seat for too long, being alone, being put down for too long, not being able to sleep in your car seat or crib {they're the only places you'll sleep!}


You are still all breastfed and you do great! You still struggle taking a bottle, but you'll take it after you battle for awhile and realize it's your only option! Next weekend I'm in a wedding out of town and will be away from you for about 2 days (your daddy is bringing you to the wedding). Definitely the longest we've been away from each other.  I'm gonna miss you like CRAZY but it's probably good for us both! We're pretty attached and I'm hoping it'll help you get more used to a bottle!

We are going to start foods now and after lots of research and discussion, your daddy and I have decided to try baby-led weaning for solids, rather than purees.  I think you're up for it and it'll be fun for all of us! 


The golden question every month-- are you sleeping better? In a way, yes :) You have mostly started sleeping from 9-3ish, so you have kind of cut out the midnight wake up.  When I go in around 3, I can usually calm you down and get you back to sleep without feeding you.  Some nights we battle for 2 hours, with me going in every so often to let you know I'm still here.  You're strong-willed.  2 hours is a LONG time, but eventually you get to sleep again! Last night, you only fought for about 5 minutes. It was a miracle! Then you generally get back up around 5/6 and then I feed you and you're back down till about 9/9:30.  I'd love to get you sleeping from 9-6/7ish, and then feed you and then you go back down till 9. Let's hope we can do that! I think you'll feel much more rested--as will momma! 


You adore when people sing/talk to you.  If you could just have all the attention in the world, I'm not sure you'd ever cry! 

You are sitting up for a couple minutes at a time and you LOVE it.  You can play with toys and watch Jacoby run around--I think you're taking mental notes :) 

You are super ticklish-- something you get from yours truly!

Every night when I take off your diaper before getting you in the bath, you giggle like craaazy! Not sure why you laugh only when your diaper comes off at night, but you do it every single night ;)

You roll from your belly to your back in a quick second, but still don't roll from your back to your belly. You've done it once in your crib, but other than that-- you just would rather scream until someone flips you over.  You have NO interest in doing it.  On your own time you'll get that down! 

You love to watch Benny and reach for him every time he goes by.  Your eyes follow him as he runs in and out of the room.

You are MUCH better in the car seat, but you can be sound asleep in the car and the minute the doors unlock when I put the car in park, your eyes open! ;) 

You are getting a little tougher and can handle a few more hard snuggles from your brother. I can't wait to see the bond you two will share. 

You don't want to miss out on anything and therefore hate being alone.  You love being around people, but are content to just watch!


My little sweet pea Maddox,

You are such a sweet baby and every day I see you becoming more like your daddy. Trust me when I say this is the best compliment! I see you (in the years to come) letting Jacoby be center of attention (as he loves..) but you having a strong presence wherever you go. "Quiet strength" is one of my favorite ways to describe your daddy, and I'm pretty sure that's gonna be you too! We will see ;) You are quick to smile, silly, and you have the most beautiful, dark, bright you have since day one. You become more content as each day passes and the way you look for me in a room full of people screams momma's boy, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am SO honored to be your momma. 

I'm so excited to watch you learn to eat foods...let's see what you do sweet pea!



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