Friday, September 30, 2016

2 Years {Jacoby}

2 years old...where do I even begin?

I'll start with a few things about you...


Height: 33 1/2" (25%)

Weight: 25.6 lbs. (29%)

You are still my great sleeper, sleeping from 9-9 and a 2 hour afternoon nap. 

You LOVE to have us read and then sing to you at night before you go down. We often sing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands", "Jesus Loves Me", or "The B-I-B-L-E"...and then you often ask for "one more song". How can we say no? 

You love fruits + vegetables, and most other food except for meat.  You'll eat deli turkey, grilled chicken and hot dogs, but any kind of ground meat or hamburger is a big N O.

I should mention that cookies are your absolute favorite. You'll do anything for one. 

Any kind of animal is a big hit with you...which is probably why you love the movie Madagascar.

Blaze and the Monster Machines is your favorite show, along with Paw Patrol.

Let's talk about trucks. You're obsessed. You take a truck wherever you go. I have multiple trucks in the diaper bag and car. When we go to dinner or lunch, I just take a few trucks and you are (90% of the time) happy! When we drive in the car, you tell me every single truck you see and how big it is and what color it is. 

You love Maddox and still call him Bubba.  You give him hugs and kisses often and every night you say "night bubba...luh you". It melts me. 

You still love books and it's common for me to check on you (when you're being too quiet...) and see you reading a book somewhere. 

You give the sweetest tight hugs and have the greatest puckered lips for a kiss.  You love people but can be cautious if you're not in the mood. There are times where someone asks for a hug or kiss and you say "no way!".  We're working on "no thank you" instead ;) 

You are a parrot and repeat almost everything I say...and it cracks me up. You can be a chatterbox but I love the way I see your mind grow each day.  You learn new words and phrases daily, and continue to piece words together for phrases and sentences.  Some of my favorite things you say:

"Sawwyyy momma" {Sorry momma}
"Sshhh Bubba night night"
"I mean. I bite. Not nice" 
"I'm siwwy" {I'm silly}
"I don't think so"
"Bubba eat"...then you point to Maddox nursing, haha! 
"Nenny a huh" {Benny a hug}
"Nolk" {milk}
"Choc Nolk" {chocolate milk}
"Mama I play JoJo" {I play with Gio}
"I spicy"
"I zou zou" {hold you/ hold me}
"luh you" {love you}

Sometimes when you say something to us, we repeat it back to make sure we are understanding you...and then you say "otay". It's as if you're saying "great idea mama!" It's one of our favorite things you say!

You love to tell your daddy to put things down.  You say "down down" and point to exactly where you want it put down.

You know most animals and their noises, will count to five when you want to, and you know all of your colors.

You are really good at sharing and I get to proud of you when you share well.  You are also awesome at using your words most of the time to tell me what you need.  

I am proud of the way you have learned to be patient when we are out to eat... You have learned to entertain yourself with trucks, books, and play-doh and it's so much fun!

To my wild, spunky, sweet + joyful Jacoby,

One of my friends described you best with the word "passionate". You have got an incredible personality, LOTS of energy and just the most hilarious laugh. You are wild with your antics and keep me on my toes with your ability to test the limits. You are passionate in your hugs, which means it can sometimes lead to choking Maddox/any other recipient.  You are passionate in emotions, so sometimes when you really love a truck and someone takes it from just need to scream out of frustration. It's a passion that will benefit you in know, once we get the whole aggression part under control! You are spicy and you know it ;)  I know you have this big personality for a reason and I'm convinced you're going to do big things.  You have a zest for life that is almost unmatched and I can't wait to see where it takes you.  Your daddy and I pray daily that we help you use your zest, joy, and ability to light up a room for Christ. One thing I know-- you were meant for amazing things!



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