Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Summer Recap 2016

Here's a little recap of our summer 2016!

First summer with 2 kids.  You know what's weird though? To think that next summer I'll have a 1 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. Huh?? It's gonna be even more W I L D! 

This summer we spent a lot of time outside...

LOTS of time on the playground, in the sandbox + in our little kiddie pool. 

Lots of time swimming (...Coby prefers the trampoline)

We went to the zoo a couple times as well.  Jacoby is a big animal lover, just like me, so the zoo is always a hit.

We had a big summer bash for my 1/2 birthday...

and also learned all about Hand, Foot + Mouth disease, ear infections, and eye infections. Life with 2 kids, right?

We traveled to Lafayette to see good friends + went to Chicago for the zoo.

We went to the beach + realized how much fun sand AND water is :)

We went to the county fair...and it was SO hot! We ate way too much {amazing} food...which led to daddy + I having to clean up our first throw-up!

We went to the South Bend Cubs game + had our fair share of sunshine, hot dogs + dippin dots!

Jacoby spent a little one-on-one time with Cici while I took Maddox to his swim lessons- and daddy joined too!

We spent some days just hanging around the house, mainly when mommy was too tired from not sleeping ;) 

Mommy + daddy even got a few dates in too, which is good for us all. 

Summer time is so much more fun with little boys and I can't wait for all the adventures to come.  The cool part about the age they're at right now is that I still get to spend every day with them. No school yet, so every day is a "summer" schedule...and we LOVE it. 

Happy Fall Y'all! Here's to cooler temps, bonfires, yummy chili, sweaters, booties, pumpkin patches, trick-or-treating, warm drinks, and more (including one of my besties getting married!).



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