Monday, September 19, 2016


7 years. 

A little throwback picture...from when we first started dating-- about 10 years ago! 

Nate, you are an absolute gem and make being married to you one of the easiest things.  Marriage can be hard, but when you marry someone who is selfless, encouraging, real, loving, and quick to forgive-- it makes it easy! 

Thank you

 ...for making all of my dreams come true.

...for fighting for us. 

...for loving me.

...for giving me 2 beautiful boys

...for loving our boys fiercely.

...for pushing me to be better.

...for having such a quiet strength.

...for your kind heart

...for always knowing what I need.

...for letting me know what you need from me.

...for pursuing me. 

...for making me feel beautiful, always. 

...for thinking thoroughly in every thing.

...for knowing me completely and still loving me regardless. 

...for watching sports with me even though I comment on fashionable jerseys and terrible hair ;) 

...there's no greater privilege than being your wife. 

I love you forever...


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