Thursday, September 15, 2016

5 Month Update {Maddox}


Favorites: Momma, people talking to you, being held, afternoon naps, bath, and your car blankie.

Not-So-Favorites: the car seat, taking a bottle, being tired + not having your crib to sleep in, being alone, being put down


You're still doing SO well with breastfeeding.  You nurse quickly + efficiently and then get on with your day!

Although last month you seemed to take bottles well, you have slightly regressed on that.  That's probably my fault since you're with me all the time and I never force you to take a bottle (nursing is SO much easier!). Your daddy and I have decided to work with you a little more with a bottle, so that you take it a little easier when mommy is away! 

Oh...and just the other day, your brother gave you some of his bran cereal and you swallowed it right down. So there's that! 


Sleep is not your favorite thing.  We pray every night that you will sleep well, but you're not about that ;) Last month you were up every 3 hours, then this past week and a half you've thrown it all out and you are up all.the.time.  Last night I battled with you for awhile.  You can't figure out how to put yourself to sleep. It's honestly exhausting to hear you cry, so I don't know how you're not exhausted enough to just go to sleep.  Someday you'll love sleep- I just know it.

Until then, I bounce new ideas around in my head all day just hoping that maybe one will help. I miss sleep- but I'll get it back one day.  You're worth it. Also, God made you extra cute, so it's not quite as bad. 


You are such a momma's boy and I love that about you.  You will hear or see me in a room and just want me to look at you and talk to you.  If I'm near, you really prefer me to hold you, but if you're in a good mood-- you'll happily go to others.

You have learned to like your jumper for a little bit, but not a long time.  

You still roll from your stomach to back often {I think that's part of what wakes you up at night...} but you haven't even tried to roll from your back to your belly. Your daddy said just today "I can't wait to see him starting rolling all over the place, but at the same time, I CAN wait because then he'll be all over the place and we'll have 2 boys on the move". haha!

You have this little car stuffed animal/blankie thing that you like to hold and play with, especially when you're in the car seat.  Speaking of the car seat-- You have completely chilled out in this regard!!! <<Insert me cheering + saying "Praise the Lord!">  You still cry sometimes, but you have learned to be pretty content in the car.  It makes car rides a lot more enjoyable!

Jacoby loved "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift for the longest time {still does}.  It was always the song that I could put on to calm him down and he'd fall asleep to it. 

Well my sweet boy, YOUR favorite song is "Holocene" by Bon Iver.  You calm down as soon as this song comes on. It's like magic :) Talk about a difference from your brother!! haha. I wonder if this is a foretelling of the differences in your personalities? We will see.  Until the, we bounce back and forth between Taylor Swift {known to us as Tay Tay} and Bon Iver {Coby calls it "bubbas song"}.

You have the absolute sweetest smile I've ever seen.  You don't give them out easily, but gosh it's so worth it when I see it.

You love your tongue and play with it constantly.  Half of your smiles have your tongue sticking out! You have really started to laugh and I can't wait to continue to watch it come out more and more.

Maddox babe,

You are the perfect addition to this family.  I told your daddy that I don't see you as the typical 2nd child because you're not super tolerant.  You like things your way and aren't really "go with the flow".  But you know what? I'm convinced that's a good thing! Jacoby needs a little brother who can keep up with his antics, and I'm confident you're IT! You light up my world and continue to amaze me on the daily, and even nightly too! Although some days I can see myself so frustrated from the lack of sleep, there are moments in the wee hours of the morning when it's just you and me...and I look at you and just smile at you.  You are SUCH a blessing and beyond perfect.  I can't wait to continue to watch you grow.  Guess what? You get to try food SO soon, and that's just the beginning of some crazy adventures.  I love you sunshine!



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