Friday, August 26, 2016

Favorite Summer Recipes

Happy Friday! Linking up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites! This week I'm sharing my favorite summer recipes :) 

Summer, I love you and your simple recipes.  We use the grill often in the summer, but there's always a need to try something new. Before babes, I usually made 3 new meals a week and 1 meal that I had made before.  Nate + I really enjoy trying new foods, whether it be at home cooking or out at a restaurant.  I've gotten a lot of my recipes from this wonderful blog world and thought I'd share a few of my favorites. 

First up, if you haven't visited Mix and Match Mama... you're totally missing out. When I first started learning how to cook, she was my go-to. She has an amazing way of making really good meals that are really simple :)  I still consistently check her out for new ideas, and to check on her adorable family too! 

One of my FAVORITE recipes I have made this summer is her Blackberry Brie Burgers. Nate and I really enjoy trying new food and a change up in burgers is the easy, summery way to do it! These were super easy and seriously amazing! 

Another FAVORITE recently has been this Summer Tortellini Salad.  It's super quick to make and I tend to eat it for dinner and then for lunches for a couple days.  It stays fresh for a few days in the fridge.  I love having it around so that I have a quick lunch while trying to juggle both boys :) Some days I can manage to make myself lunch, other days a quick lunch that I can just pull out and eat right away is just what I need! 

When Nate and I moved to Nashville, I really started to try new things in the kitchen.  I'm pretty sure that's when I got in my stride as far as cooking goes.  Don't get me wrong-- I made many things that were terrible, such as a black bean low-calorie soup that I took one bite of and refused to eat another {Nate ate it...he never complains + always eats whatever I make! He's a gem.}

I worked hard on making healthy things and one of my go-to's was THIS healthy version of chicken salad sandwiches-- Pinterest for the win!  I love a good chicken salad but am generally picky about it.  This recipe is a healthy version with using greek yogurt (y'all...Greek Yogurt is heaven!).  If  you like chicken salad but try to stay away because of the unhealthy  nature of it...try this recipe.  Promise you'll love it and it'll be a FAVORITE of yours too!

So tell me, what are some of your favorite summer recipes?



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