Monday, August 22, 2016

Postpardum Life

Ugh. I hate the word "postpardum".

It just sounds so ugly and negative. 

Motherhood is beautiful and quite the ride. I think after I had Jacoby, there were a few things that happened that I didn't realize, or I forgot (mommy brain!) until it happened again with Maddox.

Let me just ask- WHAT is going on with my hair?!? 

I didn't really remember losing lots of hair after having Jacoby (Nate remembers haha!), but I remember some of it growing back- like right at the front of my hair line! It was super obvious and I always called them my "Coby hairs".  

It's happening again. Ugh! I figured with shorter hair, I wouldn't lose as much. I was so wrong! I'm losing tons of hair and I'm honestly trying to figure out how I don't look bald yet :) Good thing I didn't start with thin hair! 

Another thing?

Acne. I never had this issue after Jacoby.  Throughout both pregnancies and before/after Jacoby- my skin had been the clearest its been in a really long time. 

In the past 2 months, it has not been what had become regular.  I am confident in the products I use, I know it's just the hormones. It's always the hormones!

I am pretty happy with the way my body has bounced back, although it's far from perfect.  I am back at it at the gym as of TODAY :) Let's hope I can stay motivated.  I took a few week break due to a little biting issue with my sweet toddler that I had to make sure was under wraps.  He's sweet, but don't take his trucks!

Throughout losing hair, acne and a different body, I wouldn't trade it.  I read an article one time -- no idea where-- that mentioned how we should talk positively about our bodies in front of our children. It hit me hard and I have worked hard on this but still fail sometimes.  Even though my boys are little and probably don't understand what I'm saying, I want them to have a confident momma and one that lets them know that it's not about appearances anyways.  Healthy life? Yes. Perfect body? Nope.  Teaching my kids confidence in themselves, even if they're not where they want to be, is a goal of mine. Be confident and love yourself, but continue to push. What better way to show them than through confidence in myself? Actions speak volumes, right?!?

Happy Monday friends, hope your week is off to a great start! 



**Photography by Lorrie Ann Photography

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