Sunday, August 14, 2016

4 Month Update {Maddox}


4 months of joy with you!

 Height:  25 1/4" (55%)
Weight: 13 lbs. 11 oz. (15%)
Head: 41 1/2 cm. (46%)


You are still all breastfed and have continued to do great with it.  You eat in about 10 minutes flat and are on a consistent 3 hour eating routine.  I'm so thankful for your quick-eating skills!

You take a bottle pretty well now.  You hardy get a bottle since I'm home with you all the time, but your daddy has put you to bed several times with a bottle and you take it like a champ.  You've taken a bottle from others and from me as well, but you look at me like...this is not what I prefer, Mom ;)

I'm hopeful that at 6 months when you're ready for solids, that you'll continue to be a great eater. I can't believe that's only 2 months away!


Oh sleep.  How I miss it :)

You are up every 3 hours like clockwork now.  You used to be kind hit or miss, sometimes it was 1 hour or sometimes 6.  Now it's pretty predictable with every 3, but I'm just not 100% sure you're actually hungry,

Considering you eat for all of about 3 minutes and then pass out again.  I'd love to just go in there and give you your paci, but you find pacifiers to be rather offensive and yell at me when I try to give it to you (other than when you are tired for a nap and you take it for about a minute...).

I think we're going to have to give the same approach we did with your brother and let you cry it out sometimes.  I'm confident that you can figure it out.  You put yourself to sleep for naps, so I think it's just a matter of learning that when you wake up, you can put yourself back to sleep again!

Some nights when I'm up with you, I just stare at your sweet face and I find myself in this complete worship-mode.  I can't stop thanking God for you.  I can't stop praising him for giving you to ME to raise.  What an honor! Then I find myself prayerfully begging God to help me be the best momma to know just how to guide you, lead you, and love you so you can grow into the man you're meant to be.

Anyways...enough of the sappy-ness!

This whole sleep thing-- we'll get it down, I'm sure.  Jacoby didn't sleep longer than 3 hour increments until after 6 months old, so you still have time to beat him :)

Oh and I have to note that you have become a GREAT napper! You nap for about 30-45 minutes in the late morning and then go down around 2ish for about 2 hours (same as Jacoby!).  These few hours where you both are sleeping have helped me be a better momma, so thanks for helping me with that!

It gives me time to eat (let's be real...I eat all the goodies while you guys nap! haha), clean up the messes we created throughout the morning, clean the rest of the house, mow the yard, blog, catch up on emails, plan parties that need planning, and even sometimes an occasional nap.  It gives me time to refresh and get some things done, so when you both wake up-- I can give my all to YOU!


You are still my Mr. Serious and it makes me laugh.  We take you to swim class and they always sing a good-bye song...most of the babies laugh or smile and you  just sit there staring at them as if you are so unimpressed ;) HA!

Speaking of swim enjoy it, but you hate being put on your back in the water.  I expected you to love all aspects of swimming class, because you love baths SO much, Maybe in the next 2 months you'll learn to love swimming on your back.

Although you're serious, you're also {as far as I'm concerned} a content baby.  As long as you get your sleep, you can roll with the craziness of being a second child.  You are happy to be on the floor and playing with your feet or toys.

Oh wait.  Content unless you are in your car seat.  You hate the car seat. And I mean hate.  It's rare if we go anywhere and you don't scream.  The only time (and I mean only) you don't cry is if it's your nap time and you fall asleep in the car.  If you've already napped, I'm screwed.  You'll scream the entire way. No matter what toys I put in your seat, things I have hanging from the bar, music I put on, you aren't happy.  I think it's because you feel alone.  You hate being alone in any room while we are home, and as soon as I stop the car and open your car door, you'll flash me a smile as if to say "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I THOUGHT I WAS NEVER GONNA SEE YOU AGAIN. WHY WOULD YOU PUT ME IN THIS SEAT AND FACE ME BACKWARDS TO STARE AT YOUR BLACK LEATHER SEATS? I WANNA SEE YOU, MOMMA!"

hahaha. Well played, Maddox.  You'll learn that screaming in the car is pointless because I have to follow the law :)

You rolled from your belly to your back around 2 months old, and can do it really quickly now if you want.  But you have zero desire to roll from back to belly.  I try my hardest to get you to roll to your side from your back (shake toys, put my face to the your side, etc) and you would just rather stay on your back and play with your toes! As long as you're happy, momma is too!

You love to look out, so when we hold you, it's always facing out.  I even grocery shop with you in my carrier and facing out.  I used to have you facing towards me and you would nap, but now you have realized how exciting this world is and you don't want to miss a beat. I love carrying you in my carrier and you are always happy in it, so grocery store runs are actually a favorite part of my week!

People continually say you look just like your brother, and while I totally agree that you look SO similar, you certainly have your own look about you too.  You look even more like your daddy than your brother! I can't wait to see how you two grow and how alike or not alike you end up being!

I talk to you daily about how I *think* you'll be my calm child.  I might be kidding myself.  But I *think* you hear me and I *think* you want to listen to me :)

My sweetest Maddox,

I just adore your sweet face.   You are such a joy.  These 4 months have flown by...I'm just not sure how it happens so fast.  I look at newborns and can already hardly remember when you were "that little".  You have such a big spot in my heart.  You are tolerant when your older brother runs his trucks into you, kisses you too hard, or accidentally runs into you.  You are sweet with your kisses and love to grab my face and pull me in.  Your giggles continues to grow and your cries continue to dwindle.  Your eyes are still my favorite-- there's just something about them.  They're a deep brown but yet super bright.  Your cheeks are the softest and I can't fault anyone for kissing them 1836 times every time they hold you. You have this quiet yet bold presence about you that just reminds me so much of your daddy.  Your life has brought me immense joy and I know that will continue for the rest of your life.

Thanks for such a fun 4 months, sweet pea.



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