Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My {Short} Reading List

I'm not much of a reader.  I never have been, but I am slowly doing it more, even though I feel like I have less and less free time.  Funny how that works!  For the life of me, I can't get into fiction books...but I LOVE a good book that I feel helps me, molds me and makes me think deeper.  

I've had a little reading list on my phone and am slowly and I repeat slowly... getting through it. 

I read The Antelope in the Living Room and it's my favorite book I've ever read! Seriously! Since this book, I've realized there are good books out there, but they aren't always easy to find.  I just finished For The Love by Jen Hatmaker.  She's amazing and so is the book.  If you haven't read it, go get it now! 

"Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson is what I'm reading now. I'm actually borrowing the book from my mother-in-law, who thought I might like it. What's weird? It was seriously on my list of things to get next time I was at the mall, so she gave it to me at the perfect time! I'm only about 2 chapters in because I'm a super slow reader because of one main thing:

I read at night...and considering Maddox still gets up every 3 hours, I'm a tired mama who falls asleep after about 10 minutes of reading :) 

Next up after this one is "Pray Big For Your Child" by Will Davis Jr. I've heard good things but honestly don't know much about it. I love the idea that the title gives though! Nate and I pray for both the boys every day, but the idea of praying for BIG things in their life is such a new way to do it! Looking forward to reading it...but don't count on it being too soon, I'm slow haha! 

So tell me...what are some of your favorite books to read that are non-fiction? They don't necessarily have to be about kids, parenting or marriage! 



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