Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy Birthday Nate

Nate's birthday was July 27th and I'm just now writing this up.  I feel like I've just been behind. At the moment I'm trying to catch up on here, with laundry...and my cleaning is behind but some day I'll get that in line too, right? :) 

Nate's birthday was on a Wednesday and he took the day off so we had a fun family day.  We went to the beach, ate at Silver Beach Pizza...because duh... and then had a restful afternoon while the boys napped.  

In the evening we went to Kelly Jae's for dinner just the two of us and it was wonderful.  Slow, relaxing dinners are one of our favorite things and obviously that doesn't happen much with 2 kids under 2.  Being able to talk about all things LIFE with him is my favorite.  Big thanks to Aunt Amanda for watching the boys! 

A few of my favorite pictures of us...

31 years of life done right.  Thank you Nate, for choosing to spend the past 9 years with me and the rest of your years as well.  I respect your mind and adore your heart.  You have an infectious laugh, a steady conscience and give the sweetest of kisses.  I hope your birthday was special and that you always know and feel that you're #1 in my book.  Thank you for treating as your queen and for continuing to push me, protect me, and love me endlessly.  Here's to you, birthday boy and the best person I've ever met! I love you.



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