Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Favorites

 You guys...I am SO happy it is Friday! Linking up with my girls Andrea and Erika as usual! 
Last weekend Nate was gone for Lollapalooza so it was just me and the boys...and I kept myself busy with lots of family and friend outings.  But this weekend is a family weekend of relaxing and doing a few small house projects, as long as Nate obliges haha!

A few new favorite things for your Friday.

First up-- remind me why we haven't gone to Silver Beach more often, we LOVE it.  I was a little nervous for Jacoby's first time at the beach but he LOVED it. He's not a huge swimming pool fan, but the beach is his JAM and definitely his favorite ;)

I've been on the hunt for a pair of new booties (my old ones bit the dust big time this summer) and I found THESE that I am pretty sure are going to be a new favorite and will be worn LOTS. I ordered online so I'm crossing my fingers that they fit and are comfortable! 

A couple weeks ago I talked about one of my favorites being an Iced Vanilla Chai.  Welllll it's pretty obvious I drink them all.the.time. because anytime I have one (or we go by a Starbucks), Jacoby says "I want Chai". I laugh really hard but then am slightly embarrassed that he already knows my drink order.  It's a favorite of both of ours and for some reason, we can't get enough! 

This sweet pup of mine is a favorite.  He adds even more crazy to our house but I love his sweet demeanor and his playful attitude with our boys. If he would just stop getting out of our fence + chewing up Maddox's pacis, he'd be perfect ;) 

Last but not's my favorite picture of the last week.  

WHY does Jacoby look so grown up?!? Babies don't keep y'all! 

Happy Friday friends! Praying your first August weekend is spent in the sunshine! 



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