Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Weekend Recap... on a Wednesday

 A weekend recap on a Wednesday...because that's just how busy I have felt this week! I haven't gotten the chance to sit down and recap the amazing weekend we had until now.  But here we are!

                      Friday night was spent as a family of four at our favorite Mexican restaurant
                                                   ...complete with a sucker at the end.

We basically end every summer evening out here on the playground now that is finally done.  I am super thankful for a hardworking husband who spent lots of his spare time working on it.  Jacoby loves it... and Maddox will eventually ;) 

My best friend, Steph and I have birthdays a week apart.  Her husband, Jared, has his a few days after mine.  All of our birthdays are in February in the DEAD of winter and there is never anything fun to do around here with our friends.  SO we decided to throw a 1/2 birthday party instead.  This past Saturday we had a blow up water slide, burgers + hotdogs, lots of yummy side dishes, and lots of friends + family to celebrate with us.  This was one of my favorite parties yet...and to top it off? It was in my backyard :) I LOVE hosting parties! 

We had perfect weather, lots of kiddos running all over + lots of 30 year old men jumping down a big water slide... a few {almost} 30 year old women too! 

hahaha. This kid, I tell ya. 

On Sunday we celebrated with another outdoor party for Eric's 30th bday (my brother in law)!  It was a fun pool party and we spent all day outside there too. More friends, family, sunshine, water + sunnies!

If I could always have weekends like this past one, I would! It was one of the best weekends filled with all things SUMMER and all things FUN.  

We even talked about making the water slide party a yearly tradition.  I'm confident that my neighbors thought it was for Jacoby's birthday-- not to celebrate a couple 30 year olds.  We're still young at heart.  Physically I think everyone was sore from running around like wild 18 year olds.  
I can assure you it was worth it.  Jacoby didn't get 1 second of a nap in on Saturday and only got a 1 hr nap on Sunday. I think he's still recovering but he didn't seem to mind all the partying either.  He knows how to get down :) 

My week has been super busy, but the next few days should be less hectic and I'm looking forward to a fun but much slower {and boring too..} weekend!

Hoping you all are having a wonderful week!  We're 1/2 way to the weekend... 



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