Wednesday, July 13, 2016

3 Month Update {Maddox}


How are we at 3 months already? Time is flying and you are growing like a weed.


You are still all breastfed and you are doing so well with it!  You eat quickly and efficiently and just this month have decided that you don't mind taking a bottle either :) So thank you for that!

I'm starting to wonder if you are working on getting a tooth? I know it seems early but there are some days where you just don't quite seem like yourself, you drool like crazy and chew on your fist like it's your job.  It could just be you finding your hands and you just having off days (we all have them!), orrrr maybe it's a tooth? 

I'm not real sure I'm ready for you to sprout a tooth yet. You're still my tiny baby...don't grow up on me too fast! ;)

You are wearing 0-3 month clothing and you are growing steadily, but don't have too many rolls or chub yet.  You remind me so much of your brother in the way you're built- skinny legs and arms and then this big, round, Buddha belly.


I have a love/hate relationship with your sleep pattern this past month.  You WERE sleeping somewhere between 5-7 hours in a stretch and then randomly you stopped.  Multiple nights you were up every 45 min-1 hr. I felt exhausted and didn't know what happened! You also weren't taking longer than 20 minutes nap, so I hardly got a break! 

I decided to flip you to your tummy (we have a breathing monitor and you move your head well) and when I did?  You only fussed for 5 minutes and then took a 1.5 hr nap.  I thought-- ok, maybe it was a fluke or maybe you just love your tummy?

Tried it again and you fell asleep within a minute the next day. 

So it's safe to say you are our tummy sleeper.  I put you on your tummy, awake but drowsy, for your naps and you never fuss more than 10 minutes but generally it's closer to about 2 minutes.  You have been napping for about an hour--and sometimes I go in there to rock you back to sleep and you'll sleep another 30-45 minutes.  So we have MAJOR improvement in naps!

Since putting you on your tummy, you go down so much easier at night as well, but are still waking up every 3 hours.  It's MUCH better than every hour, but I don't know what happened to the longer stretches.  I think maybe you are hitting a growth spurt and just want to eat? Or you just miss me ;) Either way, we will get it figured out sooner or later..... the sooner the better though! 


You are such a sweet boy, so sweet that my nickname for you is sugar :) When I look at your face and you flash me the sweetest of smiles...I'm a puddle little babe!  

You are more on the serious side, at least for now. You are super alert and LOVE to watch people, but you don't give away smiles or giggles without someone working for them.  Anything involving your lips or noises coming from someone else's mouth are your favorite and seems to make you smile the most.  

You have recently become bored with your playmat.  No lights or music = no interest for you.  I borrowed a light up toy from your Aunt Susie that hangs above your head and plays music with lights and you are much more into that :) 

You still hate your carseat if it's not moving and even still sometimes in the car when it IS moving. You are slowly getting better in it, but you still prefer to be out and part of the chaos.

People compliment you often on your eyes.  They're my favorite feature of yours.  They completely make you!  They are dark, bright + you just reel people in with them.  I think your wife some day is going to get lost in them often :) 

My sugar babe Maddox-- Between your sweet demeanor, beautiful eyes and softest cheeks, I just can't get enough of you.  You make my mornings so much brighter (it's your favorite time of day!) and you are the perfect addition to this family.  I can't wait to watch how you and Jacoby begin to interact more and more.  I'll apologize for his roughness now, but someday you'll be able to keep up with him I'm sure! I pray you know just how much you are adored by your daddy and me.  Thanks for being such a joy.



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