Monday, July 11, 2016

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday!!!

Just a little weekend recap. I've been a little MIA. I tell ya, trying to get a soon-to-be 3 month old to take a nap can be HARD.  But y'all...he's been sleeping for 1.5 hours at the moment, so Praise the Lord! Mama can finally get a few things done, including blogging! :) I missed it. 

Friday Night was pretty relaxed.  We went to dinner at a BBQ restaurant we hadn't been to before and then came home to play, baths + bed for the boys.  Nate & I stayed up to watch a little bit of Friday Night Lights...because I can't stop watching!

Saturday morning we worked a little on the playground (it's FINALLY 100% done!) and were outside playing for awhile before the boys took naps. 

 Nate & I had a wedding Saturday evening so Drew & Rose watched the boys.  It was nice to have a little evening to ourselves and enjoy a wedding without running after 1 wild boy and holding another sleeping boy! 

Sunday was church and then we headed to the South Bend Cubs game for Nate's parents' business outing.  It was SUPER hot, humid + sunny, but it was also super fun.  Jacoby loved allll the food. But who doesn't? Gimme all the hot dogs, pop + ice cream!

After the baseball game (and missing nap time), Jacoby went down for a short little nap to get him through the evening.  We officially finished up the playground, ate a frozen meal (...because Sunday night exhaustion!).  

We put the boys to bed...and once again watched a little bit of Friday Night Lights and went to bed shortly after midnight.  No matter how much we try, we just can't get to bed before midnight!  We are just a few episodes away from being done with Friday Night Lights-- so tell me friends, what should we watch next?!?

I'm having a FANTASTIC Monday and hope that you are too. 

One more thing:  Tomorrow Maddox is 3 months old. HOW?!?

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