Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Update: Maddox's Heart

At his first appointment at 1 month old, this was the news we heard:

He has 2 holes in his heart.

1 towards the top and 1 at the bottom.

The one at the top is smaller and Dr. Capannari wasn't concerned with it.  The one at the bottom, he gave us a 50/50 chance that it would either close up on its own or Maddox would need open heart surgery at some point if it didn't. (PS: Don't freak out. We aren't, so you readers shouldn't either!}

Dr. Capannari put him on 2 medications to help with his breathing (it was loud and very labored).

My little sugar babe had another appointment with the pediatric cardiologist last week.  They did another echocardiogram and Dr. Capannari checked him over.  He looks terrified in this picture but he did so well! 

Here's the update after last week's appointment:

The top hole has pretty much gone away, which was to be expected.

The bottom hole is looking to be "restrictive" in the words of Dr. Capannari.  Which is exactly what we want!  The hole is not growing as his heart does, so technically although it's still about the same size-- in proportion to his body size, it is smaller.  The dr was very happy with this and is planning on keeping an eye on him for awhile yet.  We will keep an eye on it to make sure that it continues to do what it is supposed to and to make sure there aren't any other complications as it does this.  The dr let us know there are a few other things that they watch for as it closes, but that nothing seemed of concern at the moment.

We go back in 2 months for another echo and we are hoping that his heart continues to do exactly what it needs to.  We are confident that God is in control.  I remember telling my mom "I can't imagine him having open heart surgery...I just love him so much".  You know what her response was? "So does God".  

Such a great reminder that God loves Maddox MORE than we can understand. I am so thankful for that.  Resting in this as we pray his heart continues to heal just as it needs to. 



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