Friday, September 29, 2017

3 Years {Jacoby}

And here I am writing about you being 3.  I know I know...everyone says babies don't keep and I'm cliche for saying it, but it's the TRUTH.

A few things about you...

Trucks are your thing.  Always have been, and I literally can't imagine the day that they aren't ;) You still talk about them all day every day, still carry them around everywhere we go + when asked what you want for your birthday, you responded with "um....a BUNCH of trucks!" 

You think Maddox is hilarious, even when he isn't trying to be funny.  He does something, you laugh hysterically and he repeats it.  You continue to laugh hysterically and he just gives you a blank look while keeping it up to make you laugh!

Your words have become so much clearer and you talk A LOT.  You're really good at expressing yourself and have recently gotten pretty good at letting me know if you need "help" before you get really mad ;) 

You love to play sports with daddy.  Mommy is ok, but you're convinced daddy is better. haha. Basketball and soccer are your favorite, but you love to play baseball in the backyard too.  

You are still my great sleeper and I SO appreciate this :) You and Maddox play in the tub, we read you books, pray over you, get our kisses and then end the night singing "Jesus Loves Coby" every night.

Your imaginative play grows daily and it's so fun to watch.  It usually involves snakes made of play-doh or your cars in some way!

You haven't really liked to color or draw, but I recently got you markers and you think they're WAY cooler than crayons. 

You are all boy.  You go 100% full force from the time you wake up until it's nap time or bed time.  Your energy is off the charts and while some days I wish I had 1/2 your energy, I love that you keep me going! 

You are my silly kid and your daddy and I tell each other often... "He's going to be making us laugh every single day for the rest of our lives".  We're convinced. 

As silly as you are, you are also what I like to call spicy.  You can throw a tantrum like no other + it embarrasses everyone but me.  I'm so used to it :) Your emotions are what run you and I love that I always know how you feel.  We are working on the best ways to express those feelings!

I've called you my sour patch kid for awhile now and it's still one of the best ways to describe you. You can be naughty, but then a second're the sweetest + know how exactly how to say "I'm really sorry mommy" to butter me up! 

I can't end this list of things without expressing how much you love the number 5.  I have NO idea where it came from, how it started, or what caused it...but it's SO funny. 

Here's a few examples of your love for the number 5:

When I ask you how old you are, you refuse to tell me 3.  You're 5 and if I try to tell you you're 3, you tell me "NO...I'm 5!".  

When we play with chalk, all you ever want me to do is draw the number 5. ALL OVER the back patio.  5's everywhere. 

You point out 5's on the price tags at the grocery store.

You once threw a tantrum while we checked out at Target because we weren't in check out lane 5.  I explained to you that the light wasn't on for number 5, so we couldn't check out there.  You were not happy and begged me to go to number 5.  I told you we were in line 14...and 1 + 4 = 5.  That was good enough for you at the moment.

To this day...if we're in Target and the light is on for number 5 check out lane...we check out there.  It doesn't matter if there are 6 people in line and no one else in another line, #5 is where you prefer.  It's not worth the battle to me ;) 

You cried really hard when Cici turned 55 because you wanted to be 55.  I mean, HELLO...2 5's??

When you count, it's always to matter how many there actually are.

You always want 5 of everything--5 grapes, 5 m&ms, etc.  

You are dedicated to the number 5.  Your cake might have a 5 on it, just to make you happy :) 


Man.  Where do I start? 3 years of my life has never been more challenging or more beautiful.  You bring joy everywhere you go, you bubble over with silliness, and you love hard.  You're rough and tough with just enough sweetness to melt everyone's hearts.  You are quick as a whip, love to learn, and are particularly fond of all things sweet.  You're independent, confident, and life of the party.  While I want to keep you little forever, I am so honored to be the one that gets to watch you grow into who God made you.  God gave you LOTS of spunk, grit, love, and goofiness and I can't wait to see what kind of ride that takes you on! 

I'm forever in your corner, my big boy. 



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