Thursday, February 16, 2017

10 Month Update {Maddox}

10 M O N T H S

How are we almost to 1 year? It seems forever ago when we brought you home, but at the same time you still feel so little and new. {realizing I need to start planning your party...}

Your Favorites: Mama, baths, Benny, sleeping in your crib, eating (a lot!), being held, anyone singing or talking to you, standing up using the coffee table ;)

Your Not-So-Favorites: getting dressed, being alone, bottles, being in the car seat for too long, being away from mama.


You are still breastfed and are eating mostly solids.  The only purees you'll take is homemade applesauce or the pouches of applesauce with other fruit mixed in.

You love to eat and will spend a good chunk of time sitting in your highchair and just eating every little thing I put in front of you.  You'll eat some fruits (but you hate bananas), you like peas and sweet potatoes, but your favorites are deli turkey, grilled chicken and any kind of carb-- pizza, pasta, rice, granola'll take them all and smoke them down long before your brother can even think about eating his second BITE of food ;) 

You are a little better at taking a bottle.  We went away for a night to celebrate my 30th birthday and you took a bottle didn't finish it but you took enough to sleep for 8 hours! Major improvement! I worked hard on a bottle with you for a few nights and you will take a bottle for me's others that you still aren't so sure about! 


Last month I bought formula and planned on giving that to you in a bottle thinking maybe if you only got a bottle (vs the breast...) that maybe you wouldn't want to wake up as much at night? started sleeping a lot better before I even opened the formula! ha :) For the past month you've basically only been waking up once (somewhere between 4-6am) to eat and then go back down until 9.


Last night you slept from 9pm-8:30am.  Hallelujah...and all the mamas said amen ;) 

Who knows if this is a fluke or not, but I am so so proud of you! Now that you know you can do it...let's hope you keep this up.  

Today has basically been a party because I'm so happy hahaha.

10 months in and I finally slept 7 hours straight! That must be your birthday present for me, so thank you little love!

Oh, and you're still a nap champ. 30 min-1hr in the am, and 2 hours in the afternoon!


Your newest obsession is standing at the coffee table and playing.  

You still don't crawl and don't pull yourself up ;)

You started to sit up from a laying down position-- you did it in your crib one day and I looked at the monitor and was like "whaatttttt???"-- so we moved it lower that night! 

You "army crawl" around if you're really motivated, but generally you fuss when you're on your tummy. You prefer to be sitting or standing. 

You turn yourself in a circle multiple times while sitting down.  You're convinced you're going somewhere! 

You adore your brother.  There have been multiple times where I was JUST about to ask Jacoby to get out of your face and then I see this huge grin on your face and then you giggle.  I think you're going to encourage his antics ;) That's what brothers are for, yes?

Bath time is still a big favorite for you!  

You love to be on my shoulders and the minute I put you up there you giggle.

You love it when people talk/sing to you but prefer to be in mama's arms while they do it.  You still only have eyes for me and I'm soaking it in. 

You continue to be laid back and happy, as long as your people are around. 

You are super tolerant and don't fuss much when Jacoby is rolling/pushing/squeezing/accidentally choking/shaking you.  Unless it truly hurts. In that case, you scream. Can't blame you!

If there was one word to describe you right now, it'd be sweet

My dearest Maddox,

God gave you this calm spirit that I just can't get enough of.  It blows my mind that you can be reserved and calm + yet still hold your own and get attention the way you do.  You are the perfect second child in the family and I literally can't imagine my life without you.  I told your daddy the other day that you're always the cutest thing but one day you woke up and I felt like I couldn't stop looking at you.  Something about your smooth, beautiful skin and your piercing dark brown eyes that I look at and is that beautiful baby MINE? I've had some mommy guilt this past month feeling that sometimes you get overlooked.  I told your daddy that I want to be very diligent in making sure that you know just how truly special you are to us.  It's easy for your brother to bop around to people, make friends, be outgoing and get lots of attention.  But you...there's a calming presence in you that is so beautiful. I pray it never goes away and I pray that your daddy and I help you flourish in that.  Please know that you are so cherished.  I will always fight for you and forever love you. 



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