A lot has changed just over the past month.
Weight: 10 lbs. 11 oz. (13%)
Height: 23" (48%)
Head: 39 1/2 cm. (61%)
Weight: 10 lbs. 11 oz. (13%)
Height: 23" (48%)
Head: 39 1/2 cm. (61%)
You are sleeping in your crib in your own room at night and then also for your afternoon nap. You are still consistently going to bed around 9pm and wake about every 3 hours to eat and are back down in about 15-20 minutes.
I love having flexibility, but I also like routine. We've gotten into a rhythm and part of it is helped by your older brother :) He always takes a 2-3 hr afternoon nap, generally starting somewhere between 1-3pm. I've worked on putting you down in your crib at that time too. You started out hating it and only napping for about 20 minutes before waking up and requesting that I hold you for the rest of your nap. However, the past few days you've been sleeping for 2 hours AT THE SAME TIME AS JACOBY. I love you even MORE for this. I get a little more hands-free time. Although we don't get to cuddle, we make up for it throughout the rest of the day.
You are still all breastfed and you rock it. You put yourself into a rhythm of eating every 3 hours and are awake for about an hour or so after you eat. After you eat, you are the happiest. I usually let you play on your playmat for awhile and then we talk and play and I hold you facing out so you can check it all out. By checking it all out, I generally mean watching your wild older brother run around :) I can't wait to watch you two run around together!
You are still wearing size 1 diapers and are wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes. I just cleaned a bunch of newborn clothes out of your dresser. I can't believe how quickly you are growing.
You aren't a big fan of your car seat and basically HATE it when it's not moving.
You love your bath. As soon as I get you undressed at night, you calm down and are so relaxed for the entirety of your bath :)
Your smiles and chatter are more and more often these days and I totally forgot how awesome it is! You have the sweetest little smile but you haven't shown it for many to see :)
My favorite thing about you right now is the way you just stare at me. You know me and it makes me feel on top of the world. You hear my voice and I immediately see your eyes shift to me and just watch my every move and listen to my every word. We've got this bond and I can't wait for it to continue.
2 Month Photodump
2 Month Photodump
You are my little sunshine. You wake up around 7:30 every morning and are ready to get the day started. No matter what I do to try to get you to go back to sleep, you just want a diaper change and then to chat with me while I eat breakfast. It's the sweetest time of day with you and although I'm SO not a morning person, you might be the one that turns me into loving mornings. They're just so sweet with you! If you could only see the way your eyes light up your face, they're this perfect blend of dark colored yet big and bright. The moment your eyes are open it's like a magnet- I can't stop staring and admiring. Thanks for a crazy fun 2 months. I love you baby boy :)
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