Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Maddox {34 Week}

How far along? 34 Weeks!   Jacoby 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: As of my doctor's appt this AM, I am up 10 lbs.  Per my doctor "Your weight looks good, but keep eating".  I told her on my way in to the appointment I had McDonald's.  I eat, I really do :)
Maternity clothes? Yes, 90% of the time! I've been basically living in stretchy long sleeve shirts and jeans (until I get home...then it's stretchy pants! haha)
Stretch marks? None yet, hoping to get by without them again!
Best moment this week: The ultrasound today. I mean...how could that NOT be a favorite moment? He has grown so much and getting to his little features was so fun. 

Here's a picture... 

and here's a video...

So cute, right?? Nate and I are both convinced he looks A LOT like Jacoby! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, thankfully!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my tummy :) 
Movement: Crazy ninja kid in there! My doctor and the ultrasound tech both  mentioned how much he moved. Dr. Graber said well he'll be able to keep up with Jacoby. So I guess the thought is that he won't be a calm, quiet baby??? haha. I'll love him for him, lots of energy or not!
Food cravings: Just all food. I get full pretty quickly, which might be why I haven't gained any weight. It's not for lack of eating or not wanting to eat, I just feel like I'm going to burst if I eat too much. 
Gender: All boy. The ultrasound tech said "you know the gender, correct?" I said "yes", and she replied with "ok good because he is not shy at all" :) boys will be boys, from day 1. 
Labor Signs: Nothing really. Few Braxton Hicks...but nothing other than that. He is head down and I'll be praying he stays that way for the next couple of weeks. 
Symptoms: I'm just tired often and I also have a harder time getting up/down, but that's to be expected. I'm feeling pretty good besides this silly back/rib pain I've been having. 
Belly Button In or Out? Out ;)
Wedding rings on or off? On. No swelling so far and hoping it stays that way!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I've noticed with this pregnancy I find myself having different waves of emotions than I did with Jacoby.  With Jacoby I didn't find myself nervous at all, I was just completely thrilled and so ready.  I am SO thrilled and cannot WAIT to meet sweet Maddox, but with it comes a lot.  2 kids under 2...Am I prepared? How will Jacoby react? How will Nate & I make sure to balance? I know it's normal stuff to think and question and I'm confident in us as parents, but it still crosses my mind.  I think with Jacoby I felt like I could handle anything because it would just effect Nate & I.  Now that this will effect Jacoby in a very real and big way...I just want to make sure he knows he's still important.

Looking forward to: Finishing touches on Maddox's room and I am SO excited to meet this little one.  I can't wait to see what he's going to look like, act like, and be.  God's going to blow me away with his cuteness, I'm sure of it!



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